Ali Zeno, DPT, teaches you how to self-assess your balance

Ali Zeno, DPT, teaches you how to self-assess your balance

As Daylight Saving Time ends today, we are reminded that it is time to check on safety items at home. You are supposed to:

  • Check and change your smoke detector batteries,
  • Restock your emergency kit (Band-aids, Over-the-counter meds, and topical antibiotic ointment)
  • Check your furnace, water heater, and reverse your ceiling fans to pull air upward
  • Make your car safer (Check lights, tire pressure, wiper blades, and all fluids…especially the windshield washer fluid which needs to be rated for colder weather).

But have you checked yourself to make sure that YOU are safer, especially when it comes to balance and preventing falls?

Ali Zeno, DPT, at LIfestrength PT has put together a couple of short videos to help you in preventing injury because of falling.

This first video gives you some great ideas on how to do a quick self-assessment. In this video, you will learn about:

  • the 3-pillars of balance,
  • why it’s important to be able to change directions,
  • what your base of support is and how it affects your balance, and
  • POWER in your movements

If you or someone that you know needs more help to improve balance, contact Ali directly at