While we all have the same moving parts, those of us with Charcot Marie Tooth disease know that, just as this article talks about, we can’t all do the same things. People with CMT often have to find very different ways to accomplish a particular motion. Even though we...
Maybe you have knee problems because of your New Year’s resolution to ramp up your workouts or if you are affected by Charcot Marie Tooth disease you could have just stepped on the wrong blade of grass. Regardless, it may not be your knees that are the real problem. I...
If you are like me, you are doing everything you can to fight the symptoms of Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. This includes everything from diet to a diverse exercise routine. But sometimes you can feel like no matter what you do with your exercises, you stay the same?...
The loss of the use of your muscles can be devastating for those of us with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. You have inhibitions, are self-conscious and even anxious about the way you walk. Ankle injuries and the associated pain and swelling are common for CMT sufferers...
Lower back pain is especially common for those of us with Charcot Marie Tooth Disease because our bodies have to compensate for the way the disease weakens muscles in our feet, ankles and legs. For example, when walking, we lift our legs abnormally high to overcome...